Troubleshooting Common Summer HVAC Problems

There’s nothing worse than an air conditioner breaking down in the heat of Florida summer. If you notice the slightest issue with your HVAC system, you’ll want to address it right away. Whether it’s making noise, running on a shorter cycle than it should be, or simply not cooling your home, you want to know […]

Why You Should Consider Air Quality Services

Living in tropical weather conditions in a place like South Florida makes air conditioning essential. However, air conditioning alone may not be enough, especially if you live somewhere especially humid or in a place where the pollen count is high. Air quality services, like duct cleaning, filter replacements and whole-home humidifiers, can improve the quality […]

4 Things to Look for in an HVAC Contractor

Shopping around for an HVAC contractor can be just as frustrating as dealing with broken AC. They seem to be everywhere, and it can be difficult to know which ones to trust. Choosing a contractor comes down to a few different factors. Here’s what you should look for in an HVAC contractor: Licensing and Certification […]

What to Expect from a Freezing Mechanical AC Maintenance Plan

Regular maintenance is key to keeping your HVAC system running properly. However, it can be difficult to find the time to schedule maintenance appointments. You may not even know how often you need to have your HVAC system serviced. That’s where a Freezing Mechanical AC maintenance plan comes in. You can schedule maintenance appointments months […]

Understanding the Most Common HVAC Repairs

AC Companies

In the Florida heat and humidity, your HVAC system can feel like a lifeline. Fortunately, these systems are built to last. When maintained properly, an air conditioning unit will last about 10-15 years. Like any machine, these systems start needing repairs toward the end of their life cycle. Learn about some of the most common […]

What to Consider When Installing a Heat Pump

Heat pumps heat and cool homes electronically, making them more efficient and cost effective than traditional HVAC units. Rather than burning energy to produce heat, they transfer it from one room to another. This uses less energy, which saves you money. They often have a higher upfront cost, but it’s worth it if you plan […]

Why You Need to Keep Up with AC Maintenance

Maintenance is essential for any piece of machinery, especially an HVAC system, which has all kinds of moving parts. A well-maintained AC system can last an average of 10-15 years in optimal condition. The less regularly you maintain your HVAC system, the more likely it is to experience early deterioration. Learn about why you need […]

5 Benefits of Preventative Home Maintenance Plans

As a homeowner, investing in a home maintenance plan can save you time, money and potential frustration. Having a go-to company that helps with your home maintenance needs means always knowing who to call if something does happen. It also creates peace of mind when everything is in working order. There’s a lot to be […]

Comparing the 5 Most Popular Air Conditioner Brands

When shopping for air conditioning units, you may be surprised and overwhelmed by how many options there are on the market. Most of the differences between major brands are subtle, but they’re worth considering if you want to get the unit that’s right for you. Are you looking for a more economical option? One that’s […]

5 Benefits of Installing a Whole-Home Humidifier

We spend several hours every day indoors, mostly inside of our homes. This means breathing in the air that’s filtered by our HVAC systems. Unfortunately, the humidity of this air is often insufficient. Indoor air needs to maintain a certain level of humidity to make a home livable. Portable air humidifiers are a cost-effective option, […]